Now, at the risk of this being one of the "pouring my heart out" post that I assured you I would not post, here goes it goes: Besides working altogether way too much, all the commotion of the holidays, and the expected cold here and there, I'm afraid to add a car accident to the list of events.
The other night I was driving home from work, in the obnoxious rain that has been hovering over Southern California for the last week, when a the car to my right lost control, swerved irately, and inevitably hit me. It was such a blur, and--as cliche as it may be--happened so fast. One second I was driving and the next thing I knew there was a loud "bang", the sting of the air bag on my face, harsh pushing and pulling, smoke, and the sound of other cars stepping on the breaks accompanied by the cries that escaped me uncontrollably. In that rush all I could think of was finding my phone. Slightly sad, I know, but my initial thought was "I have to call someone!"
As I hurried out of my car I took a glance at the other car who had ended up on the opposite side of the freeway ( I hit the center divider). Looking back, as fast as it all was so much happened. By the time I got out of my car, phone and and umbrella in hand a police car was approaching. The officer stopped traffic. Everything was still. And just as everything became calm I dialed my mother and everything went into high speed. All of a sudden I had a cop shouting at me asking me if I was okay call after call from my father, step father, friends--everyone--cars trying to get around us, sirens from the fire truck approaching and 3 other police vehicles, cold wet wind smashing into me...
I'm lucky to be able to write about this all. The sight of both of our vehicles wasn't a pretty one. To make a long story short, I'm okay and so is the gentleman who hit me. He's assuming responsibility for all the damages both to my car and my injuries. Luckily I just have some sore muscles. No bruises or scratches... my back just really hurts when I stand for a long period of time. There is still no word on the status of my car. I think it might be a total loss. We'll see.
I'm thankful to have such wonderful guardians around me both physical and spiritual-- but I won't drag you into that side of things.
I hope to be writing more often. Perhaps you might find some more personal, slightly pouring of the heart postings after all.
Cheers! Hope everyone is well and safe.